Friday, December 22, 2006

baby jesus is almost here!

hey yall:

i am sitting on the couch in my fuzzy black pants the kitties love with larry on my lap. i just checked my email and all my friends blogs and everyone is writing their "last post before the holiday," so i thought maybe i should write one. i am such a sheep. baaaa!

so jes finished all her finals with flying colors. as soon as she got home she wanted to PLAY. and by play i mean not study, sell all her books back and go have drinks with friends. last night we watched "little miss sunshine" and i LOVED IT. i especially loved the little girl Olive. i have wanted to name my daughter olive for the longest time (b/c i love olives). that movie made want to even more. jes says "no way."

last night jes and i opened our presents to each other. she got me some sweet running shorts, this book i wanted, a wallet size subway map and delish bar of organic chocolate. i love it all. i got her some ornaments (i get her a star ornament every year), some warm biking gloves and, most importantly, the OC board game. she was totally surprised (and elated) by that one. we will play it nine million times. i am sure.

ok i think i should start my day. i just wanted to send a holiday shout out to yall and tell you i love you and miss you (if i know you).

light a candle for peace in 2007.


Anonymous said...

This made think of your household:
Cats Love Macs.

Anonymous said...

I love Olive too... great flix
have a safe holiday

peace ansd love from Boulder