1. flowers: here is a picture of the lovely flowers that mary and dusty sent me after i turned in my dissertation. they were fragrant and divine.
i am a really a sucker for fresh cut flowers. they are such a luxury.
2. termites: the last two weeks in our apartment in brooklyn we were swarmed with termites. it was in large part b/c of all the rain we were having. they would literally pour out of the floor boards and based boards, some flying up and driving horace bonkers, then an hour later all their wings would fall off and then would take off and fuck. really that is what they were doing. one morning i found a whole lot of them floating dead in the cats water bowl. good times.
3. one of the cutest pictures ever: az flew into new york from chicago to help us load up the truck and drive it down to atlanta with me. he got in on thursday night, and on friday it was warm and sunny and lovely. we met jes over at the brooklyn botanic gardens. i am a tool, and forgot my camera, so he is going to send me pics and when he does, i will post them. the gardens were amazing. so serene and lovely. we got to bonsai and a japanese garden and lots of turtles sunning their buns. my favorite "house" of plants was the tropical. they were so fragrant and vibrant. they inspired me to have more plants in our apartment in atlanta. it will be a slow process, but i am excited nonetheless. anywho that night larry was loving on az. first he just had his paw on az's shoulder, but by the end he was full out snuggling with az. too bad he makes az sneeze. here is a pic of the cross species boylove:
now, without further ado, let me move on to stories of the move down south.
oh my god that is the cutest boy ever, oh yeah azad too.
you know what the only good thing about y'all moving back to the atl is? no more photos of those narsty termites. jeezamn, that shit makes me itch.
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