these last two weeks have been busy and, well, hot.
let me tell you a little bit about them.
first of all, last friday (like a week ago) kim, sarah, jes and i packed up kim's fancy new car with way too much stuff and headed down to gulf shores, alabama to a condo on the beach. for the first few nights we met up with kim's baby sitter kelly and kelly's friend jen. here is a picture of jen, kelly and kim on the balcony:
now you might be wondering why the photo is a little foggy? oh, that is b/c as soon as i stepped out of the air conditioned condo the camera lens fogged up due to the 300% humidity. good times. i know its hard to see it, but they are both adorable and they brough all these great dips and fancy wine. it was cool to meet kim's sister too b/c i have only seen pictures and heard stories.
it was real hot at the beach. i mean like 116 heat index every fucking day. so the first day we tried to go to the beach early and we could only handle it from about 10-11am. then we went to the pool, which was a little refreshing, but i started sweating my balls off there too, so i just went up to the room where it was divinely cold. i had a little lunch, watched a little tv and then took a nice long nap. jes joined me after she tired of harry potter 6. the a/c in the place got a little bit cold so we had to use blankets and wear hoodies. here is a picture of sarah and jes kicking it on the couch:
on saturday i also tried out a sangria recipe i got off of food network. the kids seemed to like it pretty much. if you are interested in it, leave me a comment and i will post the recipe. it was pretty strong, so i think in the future i will use a lighter wine. while drinking my sangria, we played apples to apples. the game got going and then kelly and jen needed a smoke break and we never really got back to it. we watched some more tv, talked a bunch, jes read harry potter and so did sarah and i tried to read back issues of the nation from last year. what little heat i was exposed to really wore me out so i think we turned in pretty early.
on sunday we went back down to the beach on the early side and stayed for a while longer. i put my chair right up to the surf and let the waves lap up on my feet. this made me very happy. i went up for lunch and then stayed up there just chillaxin. later, jes went out on the balcony and saw this:
all i can say is "america- FUCK YEAH"
the next morning we packed everything up and headed back to atlanta. we stopped and got a little lunch at the chik fila where everyone stared at us like we had horns and tails (good times!) here is a pic of us on monday morning as we were leaving the condo:
clearly no horns OR tails, and i think the variation in our skin tones is hilarious.
so this week flew by. jes had a few days of orientation for georgia state. she starts classes there TOMORROW! i had orientation on wednesday for my new teaching job. i *seriously* can't wait to get back to teaching. i am very excited to be teaching even if it is only one class. also i made a few new friends at orientation which is always nice. one woman i talked to has a son named azad. isn't that bonkers. who knew there was more than one azad in this world (i am sure there are plenty but really it is kind of weird that i now know of TWO).
last night we went up to see jes's folks for her mom's bday. as usual, her mom made a delicious dinner and i ate too much. after that, we headed to el myr to see emma and kristina and their out of town friend nicco (who was in the movie "boy i am"). he, of course, recognized jes from our times at cattyshack so they busted chats about that. i talked to emma about making syllabi and her and kristina's impending move. she was all worried b/c they have this ikea bookcase and she wasn't sure how they would move it and i told them jes has SKILLS taking apart and putting back together ikea furniture. kristina and emma were thrilled!
this morning jes and i got up and out early. we rode our bikes to georgia state so we could study at the law library (and so jes could clock the bike ride from our house to there). jes says that the distance from here to there is 6 miles but it felt like about 15. i had to stop twice to catch my breath and drink some water b/c i was so fucking tired. it was early enough that it wasn't so hot out, it was more that it was really hilly (lots of up hill) and i had a backpack full of stuff. i told her there was NO WAY i was biking home, so we took the marta to decatur and rode the mile back no problem.
i had hoped to do more work on my class tonight but i am not sure i have it in me. my back is KILLING me and so is my left hip bone. i need to get the chiropractor for rizzle.
ok have a great week yall! and tomorrow is my friend julie's bday (the newlywed). happy bday julie!