Sunday, September 16, 2007

my fin de semana

so before i post about my thrilling weekend, let me first post a few pictures of my cute friends from chicago.

here is a picture of alyson with nicole's belly that she got painted at michigan women's music festival:

how cute is that? apparently, ro ro got her belly painted the same.

here is one of the whole fam at michigan. how cute are they?

and here are a few of the next mia hamm, i like to call her rolita:

ok so a few highlights from our weekend:

1. we went out to our car on friday morning EARLY b/c we were going to get our licenses renewed before work and found out that our car (along with four other cars in the lot) had been broken into. they didn't really steal anything too valuable and we are not sure what they damaged (we bring the car in tomorrow). it was mostly just frustrating. we had a little pity party for two until we found out that our neighbor at the other end of our building got her car STOLEN. then we counted our blessings.

2. friday night we went a drag show at the southern comfort conference. it was outside the perimeter (OTP). it started pretty late so we didn't stay all that late. on the way home we stopped at waffle house and got us some hashbrowns and decaf coffee. it was delish.

3. saturday was my friend mary's birthday. she lives in san francisco, and on saturday morning, she and her friend tara swam from alcatraz to the coast of san francisco. here is a picture of them:

i think the craziest thing about her swim [apart from the fact that she actually swam from alcatraz (shark infested waters)] is that when you get out of the water, you have this seaweed beard. i mean who knew swimming in the bay would give you that? seaweed beard or not, i am hella proud of her for doing it. it takes discipline, spunk, courage, and some serioius strength.

4. today we got up, i FINALLY cleaned the bathroom (i am ashamed at how dirty it was. gross). then we drove back OTP and picked up sile and drove her to the greyhound station. then we headed to the coffee shop and did some work and i wrote a few letters. i did some more work, we chatted on a conference call with suppa club and now we are watching the emmys. they are incredibly boring.

so that is about it. the daily show with jon stewart just won an emmy. that's fun.
tuesday is my friend maria's bday. happy bday maria.


Anonymous said...

i love the title of your blog! few things touch of a nice informal composition than missing words or a comma splice & i'm SURE GLAD YOU GET IT DONNA TROKA!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AT MIDNIGHT IN 2.5 HOURS!!

Anonymous said...

of course, mis-spellings are nice too

erinrae said...

Happy Birthday, Donna!!! Hope you have something special planned for tonight. Thanks for posting the great pictures of Alyson, Nicole and Rowan