Saturday, October 06, 2007

one more thing about my birthday

the last thing i want to say about my birthday is that azad left me this hilarious message on my voicemail on my birthday.
he explained to me that my last year was my "jesus year" (jesus was crucified when he was 33 years old). here is a picture in case you have forgotten:

well azad told me that THIS year (my 34th year) is my "sweetness year." and for you sorry non-chicago folks, sweetness was the knick name of the greatest Chicago Bear ever, #34, Mr. Walter Payton:

so there you have it. i have officially declared this my sweetness year. may the power of payton bring me great things this year.

1 comment:

grlzrok1 said...

Sweetness indeed. Trokalator, did I tell you that infamous former Bears player TANK JOHNSON was a major topic of conversation for Bobby as he was coming out of anesthesia for his recent dental surgery? xo Higgins