Wednesday, April 30, 2008

cute baby update

as you may remember, there were three babies born into my life earlier this year:

1. zach, my nephew
2. molly, my friend katie & john's daughter
3. julian, my friend mel & tanner's son

i think i posted a pic of zach in my last post, so here is an update on molly:

and here is one of julian.

pretty f-in cute, no?

not much else to report here. the weather is lovely, jes will be home for good in 12 days and larry keeps meowing at me and its making me want to scream. is that bad?


kims said...

your pics are not showing up

Anonymous said...

You should ship Larry here and he and Holmes can meow at each other! What sweet, smiley babies. -kat

Katie said...

Molly is honored to have her big mouth a-gaping on your blog, dj.

YAY for the Return of the Jes(-i). Commence snuggling.