Sunday, April 20, 2008

sunday lovely sunday

hey yall

i am tired today but i got a lot done
last night i went to a party with some new friends, had a great time but made the mistake of drinking wine and doing two shots of vodka (over many hours) but nonetheless it left me with a headache this morning.

on friday afternoon i had the honor of meeting and talking to dorothy allison, one of my favorite authors. i love her book Bastard Out of Carolina but i think i love Cavedweller more maybe. either way i am proud to report i DID NOT throw up on her but i did sweat profusely b/c i was so nervous. she's a real regular person and she loves toni morrison's book Sula too so that is good. another faculty member at the reception thought i was an undergrad and when she realized i was adjunct faculty she encouraged me to have some wine (since i was of age). i am thinking of dyeing (sp?) my hair gray so people will see me as a grown up. give me your thoughts on this.

other than that, life is pretty boring. jes will be home in about 23 days and i am thrilled. the weather has been lovely, and i love the smell and the look of all the blooming trees and bushes. soon it will be hotter than hades.

so i have some photos to post. the first three are of my friend tony and laura's son diego. tony and i went to graduate school together here in atlanta. now he teaches at memphis state university. diego, as you will soon see, is a total muffin.

i mean seriously.

and here is an up to date of my nephew smiley zach. i sort of feel like he looks like an entirely different kid. its weird how babies go through that where they look one way and then like two weeks later they are a completely different kid. either way, he is adorable here:

hope your night goes well. today is my friend Nicole's bday. Happy Birthday Nicole!

1 comment:

kims said...

can you dye your hair gray? that would be cool:) you know, dorothy allison gave me a little pat on the ass when i talked to her at the wexner center. it was one of the highlights of my life:)