Monday, January 05, 2009

california peeps

so now i am blogging during gossip girl and then i think 90210 is next
we just watched this crazy disturbing movie called "towelhead"- let me know if you have seen it and what you think about it. it made my stomach hurt the whole time.

so on to better news
this weekend we did a lot of running around and hanging with friends
on saturday afternoon we hung out with sarah, kim, the boys and both their grammas!
i got to feed nolan and jes go to feed becker and they are both perfect and little and expressive. it was so nice to catch up for a bit with sarah and kim and to meet sarah's mom.

after that we met up with kennie, kelli and their daughter em who were visiting from california. on saturday we went to one jumping place and on sunday we went to another. the first one was less busy and more bouncy and the second one was packed, had lots of kids, and had these really cool high slides. i think em liked both. they both smelled like feet. here are some pictures:

my favorite parts of our time with em were these:

1. when kennie and and em went down this huge slide she said "daddy that was a daisy" (instead of doozie). so cute

2. when we were about to leave kennie and kelli told em that she had one more jumpy thing and then we were leaving. she went on the jumpy thing, bounced off, and then send said "ok, it's time to go!"

3. i bought em some balloons and on the way out, one popped and then kelli accidentally let go of the other two and they floated up to the sky. i *really* thought em was going to lose it and you know what kelli did? she got on my cell phone and "called" some character from the little einsteins and asked him to go up in his rocket, catch the balloons and bring them back to their house in california. em was like "oh ok." how fucking GENIUS is that? i mean jes and i were floored.

ok that is it for now. by the way, i hate the new chuck bass. he is a weiner.


Bee said...

Wait, what do you mean by "new" Chuck Bass? Is there a new actor or does old Chuck have a new attitude? Obviously, I am a couple of episodes behind.

dj love said...

to be clear: same actor, new attitude (i.e. lots of opiates and scantily clad ladies). you need to catch up cuz shit is changing quick

Bee said...

Okay, I'm watching and you are right. He's a yerk.