Sunday, January 04, 2009

new years eve

new years eve was a good day
i worked during the day (to make up for missing monday while we were in tampa)
and then we ate dinner- i think we went to u joint and i got a delish chicken philly with my favorite: TATER TOTS.
we went over to angie's house for some little yummy treats and a drink then we headed over to beth and odette's house for their new years eve party
it was a really great party- at first it was kind of chill with just few people and then more and more people showed up and it got more rowdy. i had a great time.

here is a pic of jes and me before we left for angies:

and here is one of us and angie:

here is odette and jenna:

and here is one of jes, andi and leigh after i said "say cheesus christ":

and here is the gang with baj:

at midnight we were in the basement dancing and i couldn't think of a better way to bring in the new year. we headed home around 1am and hit the hay. tomorrow i start my new job and i am really excited about it.
happy sunday!

1 comment:

kims said...

what is your new job?